Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Character head construction
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Medical Transcription-Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin
Introduction to skin
Human skin is considered to be the largest organ of the body. The surface area of the skin on an average adult is 1.8 m2, and represents 16% of the total body weight. The thickness of the skin varies throughout the body. It depends on how much use we make of that area. For example, because we use our feet for walking, it is thickest on the soles of our feet. We use our hands for doing many everyday tasks such as picking up things and writing, so it is also thick on our palms.
The skin is a multifunctional organ. It is divided into two main layers, the dermis and epidermis. The image shows a microscopic cross-section of human skin.
What does skin do?
The skin helps us to maintain our body temperature. When we are hot, there is vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) at the skin surface. This cools us down by allowing more heat to escape. When we are cold, there is constriction (narrowing of blood vessels). This allows less heat to escape, helping conserve heat.
When we are hot or exercising, sweat glands in our skin excrete water salts and proteins. Once on the surface of the skin, sweat evaporates into the air. This cools the skin and helps us control our body temperature.
There are many nerve endings and receptors that sense changes in the skin. This allows us to feel everyday objects, feel pain, determine hot from cold and also sense pressure.
As the skin covers our whole body and is a continuous layer, it acts as a barrier and protects the body from injury and infection. It also shields against the sun's light and radiation and prevents us from drying up.
Synthesis of vitamin D
When exposed to the suns rays, the skin produces vitamin D3. This is essential for building strong, well shaped bones.
The epidermis
The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin. This layer consists of many special cells, including keratinocytes and melanocytes. Keratinocytes are cells that make a special fat which gives skin it's waterproof properties. Melanocytes produce melanin, which is a pigment giving us the colour of our skin. This layer is continuously shed and replaced, every 15–30 days.
The epidermis is sub-divided into 5 layers.
Stratum corneum
The outermost layer of the epidermis. There are many cells which are tightly packed together, This allows the skin to be tough and waterproof. This layer is important in the prevention of invasion from foreign things, such as bugs and bacteria.
Stratum lucidum
This layer contains several clear and flat dead cells. It is a tough layer and is found in thickened skin, including the palms of the hand and soles of the feet.
Stratum granulosum
The stratum granulosum is composed of 3 to 4 layers of cells. Here, keratin is formed, which is a colourless protein important for skin strength.
Stratum spinosum
This layer contains cells that change shape from columnar to polygonal. Keratin is also produced here.
Stratum basale
This layer is the deepest layer of the epidermis, in which many cells are active and dividing. The stratum basale is separated from the next layer – the dermis – by a basement membrane, which is a layer made of collagen and proteins.
The dermis
The dermis is the second major layer of the skin. It is a thick layer made up of strong connective tissues. It is further divided into two levels – the upper is made of loose connective tissue, called the papillary region, and the lower layer is made of tissue that is more closely packed, called the reticular layer. The dermis is made up of a matrix of collagen, elastin and network of capillaries and nerves. The collagen gives the skin its strength, the elastin maintains its elasticity and the capillary network supplies nutrients to the different layers of the skin. The dermis also contains a number of specialised cells and structures.
These include: hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands (produce sebum which helps lubricate skin & hair) and nails.
It also plays an important part in controlling our skin temperature and acts as a cushion against mechanical injury. When injured the dermis heals through the formation of granulation tissue (a tissue rich in new blood vessels and many different cells). This tissue helps pull the edges of a cut or wound back together. It takes our body from 3 days to 3 weeks to form this tissue.

- Ross MH, Kaye GI, Pawlina W. Histology: A text and atlas (4th edition). USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2003.
- Saladin KS. Anatomy and Physiology: The unity of form and function (3rd edition). USA: McGraw Hill; 2004.
- Kumar P, Clark M. Clinical Medicine (5th edition). United Kingdom: WB Saunders; 2002.
- Revis DR, Seagle MB. Skin anatomy [online]. E-medicine; 2006 [cited 7 March 2006]. Available from URL:
- Moore KL, Dalley AF. Clinically Orientated Anatomy (4th edition). Canada: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999.
- Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Robbins SL, Cotran RS. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (7th edition). China: Elseiver Saunders; 2005.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Video and lecture presentation on Taking Pulse
Answer the following questions:
1. What is Pulse?
2. What is an average pulse of an adult?
3. Which parts of the body you can take a pulse?
4. Based on the video lesson, list the procedure of taking pulse.
Note: Answers must be typewritten and printed in a letter size bond paper (8.5"x11") and must be submitted on Friday.
How To Take A Pulse
What is a pulse?
A pulse is the beat you can feel against the wall of an artery when your heart beats. The pulse is the same as the heart rate. The normal adult pulse is 60 to 100 beats a minute. Arteries are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to different parts of your body. It is easier to feel the pulse in arteries that come close to the skin. There are several arteries in your body that can be used to feel a pulse. Following are the most common arteries for counting your pulse.- Radial . This artery is located on the inside of the wrist near the side of your thumb.
- Carotid . This artery is found on the neck between the wind pipe and neck muscle, and just under the lower jaw bone.
Why do you need to take your pulse?
Your caregiver may want you to check your pulse because of an illness, such as heart disease. Some medicines you may be taking can change your pulse rate.
How to take a radial (ra-d-ull) pulse:
The radial artery is found close to the inside part of your wrist near your thumb. You will need a watch with a second hand to count your pulse. The following steps may help you take your radial pulse.
- Bend your elbow with your arm at your side. The palm of your hand should be up.
- Using your middle (long) and index (pointer) fingers, gently feel for the radial artery inside your wrist. You will feel the radial pulse beating when you find it. Do not use your thumb to take the pulse because it has a pulse of its own.
- Count your radial pulse for a full minute (60 seconds). Notice if your pulse has a strong or weak beat.
- Write down your pulse rate, the date, time, and what wrist (right or left) was used to take the pulse. Also write down anything you notice about your pulse, such as it being weak, strong, or missing beats.
- The radial artery is an easy artery to use when checking your heart rate during or after exercise.
How to take a carotid (kuh-rah-tud) pulse:
Your carotid arteries are found on the outer part of the right and left side of your neck. You will need a watch with a second hand to count your carotid pulse. The following steps may help you take your carotid pulse.
- Using your middle (long) and index (pointer) fingers, gently feel the carotid artery on either side of your neck. Do not press down on both arteries at the same time. You will feel the carotid pulse beating when you find it. Do not use your thumb to take the pulse because it has a pulse of its own.
- Count your carotid pulse for a full minute (60 seconds).
- Write down your pulse rate and the date, and time it was taken. Notice if your pulse has a strong or weak beat. Also write down anything you notice about your pulse, such as it being weak, strong, or missing beats.
- The carotid artery is an easy artery to use when checking your heart rate during or after exercise.
How to take an apical (a-pih-kull) pulse:
The apical pulse is your heart rate when counted with a stethoscope (steth-uh-skop) placed over your heart. A watch with a second hand will be needed to take your apical pulse. The following steps may help you take your apical pulse.
- You should sit up or lie down.
- Put the tips of the stethoscope into your ears.
- Place the diaphragm (disk part) of the stethoscope over your heart. Your heart is found in the middle of your chest and toward the left side.
- Count the beats for a full minute (60 seconds) when you hear your heartbeat. Notice if your heartbeat sounds strong, weak, or missing beats.
- Write down your apical pulse rate and the date and time that your pulse was taken. Also write down if you feel your heartbeat is not beating as it usually does.
You or someone else will be taught how to take your pulse rate. Caregivers will tell you how often your pulse should be taken. You may need to take your pulse right before taking a medicine. It is important to write down the pulse rate each time it is taken. You will be told when to call your caregiver about your pulse rate.
Do's and Don'ts:
Keep a written list of what medicines you take and when and why you take them. Ask your caregiver for information about your medicine. Do not take any medicines, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbs, or food supplements without first talking to caregivers. Always take your medicine as directed by caregivers. If you are taking medicine that makes you drowsy, do not drive or use heavy equipment.
How many times a day should you take your pulse rate?
Your caregiver will tell you how many times and how you should take your pulse rate. Carefully follow your caregiver's instructions
Wellness hints:
- Eat healthy foods from all of the 5 food groups: fruits, vegetables, breads, dairy products, meat and fish. Eating healthy foods may help you feel better and have more energy. It may also help you heal faster. . Ask your caregiver if you need to be on a special diet.
- Drink 6 to 8 (soda pop can size) glasses of liquid each day. Or, follow your caregiver's advice if you must limit the amount of liquid you drink. Good liquids to drink are water, juices, and milk. Limit the amount of caffeine you drink, such as coffee, tea, and soda.
- Talk to your caregiver before you start exercising. Together you can plan the best exercise program for you. It is best to start slowly and do more as you get stronger. Exercising makes the heart stronger, lowers blood pressure, and keeps you healthy.
- It is never too late to quit smoking if you smoke. Smoking harms the heart, lungs, and the blood. You are more likely to have a heart attack, lung disease, and cancer if you smoke. You will help yourself and those around you by not smoking. Ask your caregiver for the CareNotes™ handout on how to stop smoking if you are having trouble quitting.
- Stress may slow healing and cause illness later. Since it is hard to avoid stress, learn to control it. Learn new ways to relax (deep breathing, relaxing muscles, meditation, or biofeedback). Talk to your caregiver about things that upset you.
NOTE: Copy the questions. ALL ANSWERS MUST BE HANDWRITTEN in a yellow pad paper (do not write at the back of it. It will also be submitted on Friday.)
1. What are the two most common arteries for taking pulse? Draw and illustrate your answers.
2. What are the procedures in taking Carotid Pulse?
3. What are the procedures in taking Radial Pulse?
4. How do you take an Apical Pulse?
5. Illustrate what are the Wellness Hints given in the discussion? (DRAW YOUR ANSWER and describe it)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
On line Medical Transcription No.1
Note: this is a 10-minute quiz
Previous Lesson:
Rules on Punctuation
Rules on Abbreviations:
Rules on Articles
Monday, July 18, 2011
Principles of Animation
Example of Squash and Stretch
Sunday, July 17, 2011
History of Animation
History of Animation Part 2
History of Animation Part 3
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Rules on Punctuation
Do Not Type a Space ...
following a period with an abbreviation
following a period used as a decimal point
between quotation marks and the quoted material
before or after a hyphen
before or after a slash
before or after a dash
between a number and percent sign
between parentheses and the enclosed material
between any word and the punctuation following it.
between the number and the colon used to indicate a dilute solution or ratio.
on either side of the colon when expressing the time of day
before an apostrophe
before or after a comma used within numbers
before or after an ampersand in abbreviations, e.g., C&S
on either side of the colon when expressing ratios e.g. 1:1
after the closing parenthesis if another mark of punctuation follows
Type One Space...
between words
after a comma
after a semicolon
after a period following an initial
after the closing parenthesis
on each side of the x in an expression of dimension, e.g. 4 x 4
Type Two Spaces...
after punctuation at the end of a sentence
after a colon except when expressing time or a dilution ratio
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Remembering My Younger Days (Part 1)
Upon entering high school that dream never subsides yet ignited even more when I was elected and became the student council president of more than two thousand students in our campus. A young mind which was very ideal, have done things which were that time as my teachers told me “I was giving the administration a headache. My ideas for the students’ welfare were indeed at par my age and a typical teenager who should be thinking of what an average teen girl should think of.”
I remember the days when I got myself involved in an issue about a “teacher-student affair “. I did all what I can to expose that affair, wherein during that time my mind says it is an “immoral act” of a teacher. Being the student council president and an associate editor-in-chief in our school newspaper gave me enough fangs to do and exposed issues concerning welfare of the students, which I believed my constituents during that time.
As what my teacher thought of me, I will become a lawyer or even a politician. The way I talked, the way I handled things I was a little politician then. As my high school life ended, I was recognized by receiving a leadership award and was given an award from Malacañang from the late executive secretary Ruben D. Torres. I was happy that my mother received a letter from the office of the executive secretary stating that I was the one chosen among all the students in my school.
Upon entering college and passing the entrance college exam in one of top university in the country-the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, it was a new environment. I was supposed to enroll in a political science course, but for unexpected reasons, I didn’t have the chance to enroll in that course. One of reason perhaps is the university was too big for me. It was the first time I went to a huge campus and I was really amazed how big it was for me, getting lost and not knowing where to go first, I went and enrolled at a different college. I took a course, which I never thought I would go into, teaching. My registration card was stamped and marked as a BBTE enrolled student: Bachelor in Business Teacher Education.
During my first year, my mind was set to study hard and shift to another course on the following school year. Though the university was so big and our own college was with hundreds of students, it was not a difficult thing for me to surface. As a first year college student, I was elected and become a college councilor. Election was different in PUP, it was just like a national election, real ballot boxes, an actual filing from the legal office, and it was like a mock election of a national presidency campaign. It was another opportunity for me when the university sent me to be one of the seven delegates to represent the institution in an international conference which was held at the University of Asia and the Pacific. It was the first time, when I first realized that what I want before was indeed just a dream for me. Meeting ‘rich kids’ gave me an embarrassing moment, but that was just for a short while and getting back my composure at least gave me strength to talk even at least once in the plenary session. Even though it happened only once, I still tried. Well, not all was able to attempt to butt-in and cut the monopoly of this rich kids talking at the plenary session. Again, I took that as a wonderful experience and a pride as well.
After that first rough year in college, my attempt to shift course never took place. Again, I realized that it will be unwise to throw a year I already spent and worked for. Besides, my father was a construction worker and my mother was with her unauthorized betting game ‘juetteng’ business. How can I then manage to tell them that I really don’t like the course and I want to go to another college course? I couldn’t say it to them, what they know was they just have to wait three more years and they will have their first child who graduated in college.
Though I was still in doubt whether to continue to study and pursue a teaching profession, I was left no choice; my parents are really trying what they can to help me finish my course. By this time things tightened up more, soon my sister joined me in the university as she passed the college entrance test. Now, two of us were in college and my parents’ resources were really limited. It was another realization for me that it will really be impossible to pursue that political science course. I said to myself, finish education and once I have my job, I’ll have second degree and finance my own studies.
The second year was even harder than the previous, more than ten of my classmates dropped out – like the reason of many it was financial. I have learned to survive using my leadership skills, group activities and projects require a leader and that is where I am good at. They took me as their leader and that help me manage to settle my school projects. Some of my classmates managed to buy all the reference books we used and so it was an opportunity for me. If I still remember, I can only manage to buy at least two books out of eight books we used every semester. As I entered the varsity team in Arnis, I was able to get a scholarship. At least the money that supposedly for my tuition was allotted to some of the things I need in school, indeed it helped me for a while.
My junior years in college was another stage of my life, I got exhausted from my academic life and tried a new one – getting into activism. It was all of disappointments, after having been found that I will be eliminated from the cum laude list, I got cynical. My academic mind then turned into a socio-political mind. I started attending lectures and conferences involving students’ rights and welfare and all issues which may directly and indirectly affect the students. From issues of tuition hikes to issues of oil price hikes, I even got involved in issues of our farmers and rural workers. I remember when I first joined a hunger strike at the Department of Agrarian Reform in sympathy to our farmers clamor. I have to accept, it was exciting and I may say an adventure for me, running around with cops while carrying flags and banners, shouting at Mendiola – it was an ecstasy turned idealism.
My mother’s heart was griping when she found out of my whereabouts. Staying outside the house for more than a month not telling where I am, I showed my face off and then leave at once. One thing I promised her, I will finish my study and help my other siblings.
Many things happened during my last year in college, it even reached to the point of a ‘do or die game’ for me but after all I managed to survive. At least I graduated as expected but with an extra baggage, I was five months pregnant during my graduation march!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
An Authentic Happiness
Im just like any typical working mom...a teacher by profession. I'll be leaving at 6:30am and will finish work around 5pm. After work as a teacher, have to perform the task of being a mom. Honestly, its even more difficult to think of what would be tonight's dinner than tomorrow's lesson in my class. I have to think of a way how to cook what's left on the refrigerator, following a #1 rule: My Kids should like it and EAT it! Oops, all what I got. Well, not bad, since I have white meat fish: A salmon and tuna belly slices. Now, next task is to look over what ingredients do I still have--curry powder, some spices, beans, chinese kangkong, and the rest can be used on the next meal. I took the tuna belly, cut it into squares, mix it with grated ginger and some spices. I really have to lessen that fish odor. Sliced the beans into halves and the chinese kangkong. I tried to sauté the fish and put a little water, then add the curry mix with a small amount of flour, put the vegetables, put season to taste and dinner is ready!.
Next task, my boys have to it eat. I usually have troubles with them, two of them don't eat fish at all. So? what should I do, a caring mom would say: 'boys let's it" and I called my 5-year old son, who happen to be my youngest. Surprisingly, they like it! I was able to ask them eat fish and vegetables, except for my youngest. Until now, his appreciation of eating vegetables are not yet in his mind. Well, at least he ate the fish and that would be good for now.
Seeing them full and satisfied on the food I prepared was indeed a fulfillment. The joy brought by this event was really unimaginable. Of course, I was happy when I finished my masters study and now trying to work on my dissertation but what feelings I have for this simple occurrence delighted me more! After a tiring day, seeing them happy and contended will put me into bed and with a smile in my face..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
AJIA Barn Dance
AJIA's first barn dance is another event, another happy memories that our students will definitely cherish for the rest of their occurrence
What is barn dance anyway? Well for those who are not familiar or new on this term, barn dance actually is any kind of dance held in a barn. It usually involves traditional or folk music with traditional dancing. It is a type of dance, originating in America and popular in Britain in the late 19th century until early 20th.